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4 Important Things That A Majority Of People Don’t Know About Car Accident Claims In Albany GA

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. > Albany Auto Accident Attorney > 4 Important Things That A Majority Of People Don’t Know About Car Accident Claims In Albany GA

For many victims of Albany GA car accidents, it is the first time they have been involved in an accident. Therefore, it is totally understandable when they don’t know a lot about the claims process. This is why auto accident attorneys exist – to assist you with seeking financial recovery within the legal process.

However, it is helpful to have a general understanding of the basics. That way, you will know what you can do to help yourself and what to expect in the process.

The following are four pieces of information that can be beneficial for you to be aware of following a car crash in Albany, Georgia.

1. Georgia Is an At-Fault State

In terms of personal injury law, there are “at-fault states” and “no-fault states.” Georgia is an “at-fault” state. That means that an at-fault driver is responsible for property damage, injuries, and other expenses that result from the accident. The money usually is paid by the driver’s insurance company instead of our of her or his own pocket.

For car accident victims that can be really good news since it means they might not need to pay for the damages that they did not personally cause. However, it causes auto insurance claims in the state of Georgia to be very complex since the victim is required to prove that the other driver in the accident was at fault for the crash.

2. Georgia Does Not Have Any Damage Caps

There used to be statutes in Georgia that limited the amount of money that a victim could receive from a personal injury claim. They were referred to as “damage caps.” However, in 2010 they were struck down, so now personal injury settlements do not have any caps on the amount of damage that can be recovered. (Punitive damages are excluded, which do have a $250,000 limit. This is commonly used in drunk driving settlements).

Now that there are no damage caps, your Albany car accident attorney can create an insurance claim to easily cover are all of your injuries as well as other types of damages.

3. Collecting Evidence Can Help To Improve Your Result

Beginning as soon as your auto accident occurs, you can begin to compile information that might help your case. The following are beneficial steps that can be taken following your accident:

  • Take photos of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and your injuries
  • Get information from the other driver, including the license plate number on their car
  • Make notes on anything you can recall about the accident
  • Tell the Albany GA police if you believe the other driver was acting recklessly or drinking

It is also important to call the police right away to report your accident and to make sure that a report of your accident is created by the responding officers. Then you should call a car accident attorney in Albany GA as soon as possible and provide them with all of the information that you have collected.

4. The Filing Deadlines Comes Fast

You have up to two years after the date of your accident to file your car accident claim. That might seem like a long time from now, but time goes by very quickly. Memories can also fade and it may be more difficult to represent your case the more time that goes by. Do not delay in getting a personal injury attorney to work to represent you as soon in the process as you can so that you can get your claim submitted right away.

208 N Westover Blvd #101, Albany, GA 31707

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