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What Kind Of Help Can A Duluth Vehicle Accident Attorney Provide Me?

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. > Duluth Auto Accident Attorney > What Kind Of Help Can A Duluth Vehicle Accident Attorney Provide Me?

Working With A Duluth GA Car Crash Law Firm

auto accident attorneyWe communicate with many accident victims that think they really don’t need to have a lawyer. They just assume that the insurance companies are going to handle everything. Sadly, we know from extensive experience that the insurance companies don’t usually look out for the best interests of people. Insurance companies are always concerned about making profit. It’s in their best interests to pay accident victims like you just as little as they can, even if you wind up not having enough money to feed your family and pay your doctors. There are a number of common tactics that they love using along the way.

One of them is calling you and acting like they are concerned. For instance, they might ask you how you are feeling one day. However, if you tell them that you’re starting to feel better, then they’re going to use that statement to minimize the claim amount that they pay out to you.

A second thing they might do is offer you ‘easy’ money that you can get immediately. It can be tempting to take this money if your bills are piling up, especially if you’re out of work for a while. However, you’re more than likely going to surrender your right for more money later, even in cases of discovering that your injuries are a lot worse than they initially appeared.

auto crash lawyerThird, insurance companies love delaying things. They might drag the process out, taking multiple months per step. They do this in the hopes that when they finally do offer you any amount of money, you’ll take anything you can out of desperation.

Fourth, they might just blame you for the accident you were a victim of. They might try avoiding paying you just by saying that you were partially or even totally at fault for the accident. They might even claim that your injuries are not as severe as you or your doctors claim.

Insurance companies use big teams of their own lawyers and representatives who are highly trained, skilled, and experienced in using such tactics. It’s really hard to fight off any insurance company when such complicated legal issues are in play. However, having the help and guidance of the right Duluth attorney can turn things around a lot, possibly putting you on equal footing with an insurance company. We’ve witnessed many cases where a victim was immediately offered more money simply because they hired their own lawyer or attorney.

What specific costs do Duluth car accident claims pay for?

The laws of Georgia let you recover nearly any loss or expense that is a consequence of a vehicular accident you weren’t at-fault for. We frequently recover money and compensation for the following circumstances:

  • Lost wages as compensation for time missed at work
  • Prescription medication costs
  • Medical expenses
  • Expenses related to vehicle repairs or replacement

You might be entitled to a lot more than this if you have particularly severe injuries. For instance, continuing and chronic pain, any disability, or the tragedy of losing a loved one might mean a rather large financial recovery.

We would never act like any amount of money could undo the impact of something life-changing, but we do know that money and compensation can help accident victims keep up with their treatment, families get their financial footing back, and people make life plans for after their accident.

How can I know if my vehicle accident claim is valid?

Don’t ever assume that you don’t personally have a claim. The best guideline we can offer you is to consult a personal injury attorney as quickly as you can following your accident, even when you aren’t personally sure what caused the accident, and even when you might be concerned that you’re partly at fault. Legally, the majority of vehicle accidents can be prevented, meaning they wouldn’t happen unless someone was negligent or careless. One of our team members can evaluate your situation and see if another party other than you was possibly negligent. If so, then you might have a valid claim.

4227 Pleasant Hill Rd #300, Duluth, GA 30096

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