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National Safe Boating Week

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. > The Ken Nugent Team  > Community Commitment > National Safe Boating Week

Ken Nugent Supports “Wear It!”

From Atlanta’s Lake Lanier to Savannah’s Ports Ken Nugent Promotes Life Jacket Wear and Responsible Boating During National Safe Boating Week May 21-27, 2016

ATLANTA, GA May 10, 2016– Boating advocate and attorney Ken Nugent has signed on to help promote National Safe Boating Week, May 21-27, the official launch of the 2016 North American Safe Boating Campaign. This yearlong campaign promotes the value of volun- tary, consistent life jacket wear by recreational boaters through the national theme, Wear It!

“As an avid boater and safety proponent, I am happy to join the Safe Boating Campaign by promoting the national awareness campaign on my website and Social Media platforms during the week of May 21-27,” said Nugent. “Whether on the roadways or waterways, playing it safe is the smart decision every time.”

U.S. Coast Guard statistics show that drowning was the reported cause of death in three-fourths of recreational boating fatalities in 2014, and that 84 percent of those who drowned were not wearing life jackets. New life jackets are much more comfortable, lightweight and with innovative options, such as inflatable life jackets, allowing mobil- ity and flexibility for activities like boating, fishing, or paddling.

More information is available at safeboatingcampaign.com.

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