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Columbus Personal Injury Attorney

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. > Georgia Personal Injury Attorneys > Columbus Personal Injury Attorney

Personal Injury Lawyer in Columbus, GA

If you have been hurt due to someone else’s negligence, it is normal to feel overwhelmed by your situation. Rising medical costs, missed time from work, and pain from your injuries are all factors that cause stress and anxiety following the incident. You may also  be receiving calls from an insurance adjuster wanting to settle your case quickly. You should never accept the insurance company’s offer and instead, should consult with a Columbus personal injury attorney right away.

At Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., our law firm will not let you accept a lowball offer. We have a team of experienced attorneys and outside experts who will take a look at your case and value it for what it is worth. We will then tell the insurance company what you will accept to settle your claims. The insurance adjuster’s only goal is to make money for the insurance company. Your well-being is not their concern, and their settlement offers will usually be far less than the value of your claim.

We are not intimidated by insurance companies, and we will not back down from a powerful opponent when you have been injured and your legal rights have been violated.

Our Georgia personal injury attorneys are proudly serving Columbus, Georgia and surrounding counties. When we take your case, you get the benefit of our 350 years of combined experience working for you. For your free consultation, give us a call any time at 888-579-1890.

columbus ga personal injury attorneyTypes of Personal Injury Cases

Our Columbus, Georgia personal injury lawyers are now accepting clients who have been injured in the following:

Automobile Accidents 

If you have been hurt in a car accident, commercial vehicle crash, 18-wheeler or tractor-trailer crash, motorcycle or moped crash, bus accident, or pedestrian accident, we are here for you. We know and understand the seriousness of these accidents and the damages that can result from them.

We will pursue compensation from all available insurance policies for your claim. If the at-fault driver does not have enough insurance to compensate you, our attorneys will make claims against your uninsured or underinsured motorist policies to ensure that you receive the full value of your case.

Georgia experiences well over 300,000 automobile accidents each year. Not all accident victims receive fair compensation for their claim because they settle too quickly with the insurance company. We do not want you to make the same mistake.

At Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., our Columbus car accident lawyers are standing by to assist you. We do not collect a fee unless you receive a settlement or verdict in your favor. Give us a call now for your free consultation.

Bicycle Accidents

Georgia offers a beautiful landscape and favorable weather for bicycle riders. A fun bicycle ride, however, may turn tragic on a moment’s notice.

Drivers are often distracted or negligent, causing bicycle crashes to occur. A major cause of Georgia bicycle accidents is failing to yield to the right-of-way. Many drivers become impatient with bicyclists and engage in risky driving behaviors, such as improper passing, that lead to injury accidents.

If you or a loved one have sustained injuries, our Columbus bicycle accident attorneys are here for you. We will seek compensation for your medical bills and lost wages as well as your pain and suffering caused by the careless conduct of another person.

Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Slip-and-fall accidents are one of the most common personal injury claims that we encounter. A slip-and-fall accident can take place when a property owner fails to adequately maintain or monitor conditions on their property. Slick floors and uneven surfaces can spell disaster for innocent visitors to a property.

If you have been hurt in a slip-and-fall accident, it is important to document the scene of the injury as much as you can. Take pictures of the conditions that caused your fall to occur. Obtain prompt medical treatment, and never speak with a business representative or insurance adjuster until you have consulted with a lawyer.

The trusted Columbus slip-and-fall attorneys at Kenneth S. Nugent P.C. can help when you have been hurt in a slip-and-fall accident. Give us a call today to get started with your claim.

Workplace Accidents

Most people spend more time at work than anywhere else. When you suffer an injury on the job, you are likely looking to your employer to help pay for your medical bills and lost wages as a result of the injury.

Georgia workers’ compensation laws provide coverage in the event that you suffer an injury while engaged in your employment. In most cases, these laws will apply to allow you to recover medical treatment costs and money that you have lost due to not working.

In some instances, you may also be able to file a personal injury claim and seek additional damages for pain and suffering. While pain and suffering claims cannot be made under the workers’ compensation laws, they can be brought against third parties, such as co-workers, who negligently or intentionally caused your injuries.

If you have been hurt at work, please contact our law firm right away to discuss your case.

Defective Products

No one purchases a product expecting that it will cause them harm. However, in some instances a product may be harmful to the user. Our Columbus products liability attorneys can help if you have been hurt due to the following:

  • Design defects
  • Manufacturing defects
  • Improper warning or usage labels

We will take on major companies and manufacturers when their products have resulted in injury to you. If you or a loved one believe that you have been hurt by a defective product, give us a call for your free case evaluation.

Medical Malpractice

We trust doctors and other medical providers to give us needed care during times of sickness and medical emergencies. While the large majority of medical encounters go as planned, some people suffer injuries or even death during the course of their medical care.

Not all poor medical outcomes result from malpractice. However, if you or a loved one were injured during the course of medical treatment, you should consult with a Columbus medical malpractice attorney to determine your rights.

Under O.C.G.A 9-3-71, you only have two years from the date of your injury to bring a malpractice claim. Even if the injury was not discoverable right away, you must bring a claim within five years under Georgia’s statute of repose.

Medical malpractice is one of the most complicated areas of law. At Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., we have over 350 years of combined experience and the skills needed to take on the toughest cases. Give us a call today for your free consultation.

Dog Bites

Dog bite cases often involve serious injuries and emergency medical treatment. The damage inflicted can be permanent and long-lasting. Some common types of injuries related to dog bites include:

  • Puncture wounds
  • Broken bones
  • Disfigurement
  • Permanent scars
  • Nerve damage

The facts of the dog bite must be carefully studied to determine whether you have a claim against the dog owner for negligence. This often comes down to whether the owner knew or should have known that the dog was vicious or dangerous.

If you have been hurt by a dog bite, contact our Columbus dog bite lawyers today to discuss your case.

Nursing Home Abuse

According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, up to two million residents will suffer abuse in nursing homes nationwide. This statistic may appear shocking, as we generally trust nursing homes to provide safe and appropriate care for aging loved ones.

When a nursing home fails in its duty to deliver appropriate care, the consequences can be devastating. Nursing home abuse may be difficult to detect, especially in cases where the victim is especially frail or mentally incompetent.

At Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., our Columbus nursing home neglect attorneys are committed to holding nursing homes and their staff members accountable for their negligent actions. We have experience in all types of nursing home abuse and neglect cases. Contact us today for a free case review and evaluation.

Construction Accidents

Construction companies and other third parties have a legal duty to maintain certain safety standards on construction sites. Certain federal and state laws provide protection for workers in one of the most dangerous industries in America.

When an injury takes place at a construction site, it may be difficult to determine who is responsible. Contractors, subcontractors, architects, engineers, and more are all involved in a typical construction project. Some types of construction injuries that we see often are:

  • Injuries due to operation of machinery
  • Falls from scaffolds or other temporary materials
  • Explosions and electrocutions
  • Injuries caused by falling objects

Injuries suffered in a construction accident are often quite severe and life-changing. You can trust the Columbus construction accident lawyers at Kenneth S. Nugent P.C. to stand up for you when you have been hurt on the job. Give us a call today for your free consultation.

Premises Liability Law Firm Columbus, Georgia

Property owners, in most cases, have a legal duty to provide a safe premises for invited guests. When this duty is breached and injuries occur, you may have a legal claim against the owner or person in control of the property at the time your injuries occurred.

There are many different scenarios in which a Columbus premises liability claim can be brought. If you were injured as a guest at a sporting or entertainment event, tripped and fell on a privately-owned sidewalk, or suffered injuries in an attack at a public place, you may have a claim under Georgia law.

At Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., our Columbus premises liability attorneys will fight for you when you have been injured by negligent third parties. Contact us today for your free consultation with a skilled and experienced attorney.

Legal Assistance After a Columbus Personal Injury

Personal injury accidents can happen anywhere at any time. While the accident and the aftermath can seem overwhelming, there is help available.

At Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., our Columbus injury accident attorneys are there for you in your time of greatest need. You do not have to fight this battle alone.

Let us take care of the legal details while you focus on your treatment and recovery. Our law firm does not collect a fee unless we obtain a settlement or verdict for you.

We are standing by to take your call. To schedule your free consultation with our Columbus GA law firm, please contact us any time at 888-579-1890.

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.
1234 1st Ave #200, Columbus, GA 31901
(706) 571-0900

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Personal Injury Attorney Columbus, Georgia

One of the most important factors to take into account when choosing a personal injury attorney in Columbus, Georgia is experience. An experienced lawyer has extensive knowledge of the law but also understands how to apply the law to get the best outcome for their clients.

In addition, they know how to deal with corporations and insurance companies. These entities have access to teams of lawyers who all work towards denying personal injury claims. Without the representation of an experienced lawyer, a personal injury lawsuit can be dragged out to become a costly affair with little chance of winning.

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Attorneys at Law has been representing clients with personal injury claims for decades and have become well-known as one of the foremost law firms in Columbus, GA. If you need an experienced attorney to recover losses that you have experienced as a result of the actions or negligence of another party, call us for a free consultation today.

What Is Personal Injury Law?

Personal injury law falls under the umbrella of tort law. This is the area of the law that deals with civil cases and recovering losses of a personal nature that resulted from harm caused by another person or entity. An entity is a business, organization, or another legally recognized group that in is referred to as a legal person or a party in legal speak.

The harm or injury caused by the other party can be physical, emotional, or psychological in nature. It also isn’t restricted to injuries to a person but includes damage to property.

Under Georgia law, a person has the right to claim for losses that they experienced as a result of harm caused by the wrongful conduct or negligence of a third party. There is a wide range of different types of personal injury cases that fall under this purview.

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Attorneys at Law are experienced at handling and successfully recovering losses in the following types of personal injury cases in Columbus, Georgia.

Types Of Personal Injury Cases

  1. Car Accidents

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injury lawsuits. You can claim for medical expenses, loss of income, damage to your car, pain & suffering, emotional distress, and more if you were injured in a car accident caused by another person.

The types of car accidents in Columbus that Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Attorneys at Law commonly deal with include:

– Minor car accidents

– Major car accidents

– Truck accidents

– Motorcycle accidents

– Recreational vehicle accidents

– Boat or maritime accidents

– Pedestrian involved accidents

– Hit & run accidents

– Uninsured motorist accidents

While all of these accidents have the same basis for a personal injury claim, they are all different and need to be handled differently. Most commonly, it is the insurance provider for the person who caused the accident who will need to pay the claim. However, these insurance companies will use every tactic to deny your claim.

If you have been in a car accident, contact the Ken Nugent Attorneys today and get your claim paid.

  1. Slip & Fall Injuries

Property owners, business owners, management, and the government have a duty to ensure that their premises or property are safe for the use of the general public. If they neglect to fulfill this duty, they may be held liable for any injuries that are sustained on their premises.

If you slip & fall or injure yourself in some other way while out of your home, you can claim medical expenses and other damages from the owner of the property. Kenneth Nugent Attorneys at Law are experienced at handling personal injury cases resulting from injuries caused on government property, retail establishments, restaurants, fast-food outlets, hotels, apartment complexes, and more.

  1. Medical Malpractice

Medical practitioners and institutions are required by law to provide a specified standard of care in providing their services to their patients. If they breach this standard of care, then they are liable to pay for any harm that resulted. This can be as a result of negligence, providing insufficient care, the wrong type of treatment, or treatments that are not approved or may be harmful.

If you or a loved one were harmed or sustained losses due to the negligence or breach of care of a medical practitioner or institution such as a hospital, medical center, or clinic, then you have the right to claim for the losses that you incurred. Kenneth Nugent Attorneys at Law has over 25 years of experience in dealing with medical malpractice lawsuits, medical practitioners, institutions, and their insurance carriers.

  1. Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing homes often come under scrutiny for abusing their power over the vulnerable elderly residents that are in their care. This abuse can be of a physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, or financial nature. If a nursing home or any of its staff members are found to be guilty of elder abuse, they can be held liable for any personal or financial losses experienced by the nursing home resident or their loved ones.

However, it isn’t only nursing homes that take advantage of the elderly. If you have been the victim of a scam or any other type of abuse, you can recover any losses that you incurred as a result of the abuse over and above pressing criminal charges. Kenneth Nugent Attorneys at Law are experienced at ensuring that those who take advantage of the elderly are held liable for their actions or negligence.

  1. Workers’ Compensation

The state of Georgia requires every employer to pay workers’ compensation benefits to an employee who has been injured on the job. These benefits include paying all medical expenses as well as income benefits while you are recovering from an injury and are unable to work.

Columbus employers generally have workers’ compensation insurance to cover claims from employees who have been injured in the workplace. However, both employers and their insurance carriers will go to great lengths to avoid paying workers’ comp claims. If you have been injured at work or your workers’ compensation claim has been denied for any reason, Kenneth Nugent Attorneys at Law are experienced at navigating the claims process and ensuring that the benefits that are due to you are paid.

  1. Unpaid Wages And Overtime

An estimated 80% of employees are entirely unaware that their employer may not be paying their wages in full or are not fulfilling their legal obligation to pay overtime to their employees. If you stay late to complete any work duties, then your employer needs to pay you overtime – over and above the wages that you earn for your regular hours. The standard overtime rate is time and a half. This means that you receive your regular hourly rate plus a half for working hours that fall out of your regular work time.

If you often stay late to answer emails, complete filing, or any other tasks that you don’t have time for during your regular working day, your employer is required, by law, to pay your overtime. Kenneth Nugent Attorneys at Law are experienced at ensuring that employers pay their employees the wages and the overtime that are due to them.

  1. Wrongful Death in Columbus, GA

A wrongful death occurs when a person dies as the result of the wrongful conduct or negligence of another party. The remaining family members of the deceased have the right to claim compensation for any losses that resulted from the accident that would not have occurred had the injured party survived. For example, if a father is killed in a car accident, the son has the right to claim for the loss of financial support, mentorship, and nurturing that his father would have provided to him.

If a loved one has died as the result of the actions or negligence of another person or entity such as a business or other type of organization, you may have the right to claim compensation for your losses. Kenneth Nugent Attorneys at Law are experienced at dealing with wrongful death lawsuits and ensuring that remaining family members are fairly compensated for losses that they incurred due to the death of a loved one.

  1. Chemical Exposure

Paraquat is a herbicide that is used only for commercial purposes as it is extremely toxic and hazardous. Even minimal exposure to the chemical can result in health problems and can be fatal. It is most commonly known for causing or contributing to the development of Parkinson’s Disease. The level of exposure increases the risk of contracting a related medical condition or death. The chemical is toxic when inhaled, consumed or when it comes into contact with the skin.

Farm laborers and workers are particularly vulnerable as their risk of exposure is increased. However, residents living nearby farms or agricultural holdings where this dangerous weed killer is used are also at risk. If you or a loved one is showing any signs of Paraquat exposure and fall into one of the above risk groups, then it is critical to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

It is also recommended to contact Kenneth Nugent Attorneys at Law to find out what recourse you can take to recover any losses or damages that you have experienced due to chemical exposure. Our legal team has been successful in getting personal injury claims awarded to many victims of Paraquat Exposure.

  1. Dangerous Drugs

Pharmaceutical companies are required to ensure that every drug that is released on the market undergoes rigorous testing and that side effects, contra-indications, complications, dosage instructions, and other important information are listed on the product. If the drug company fails to do so or if a drug is found to be dangerous after it has been approved, the company can be held liable to pay personal injury claims to any person who has suffered harm due to taking that drug.

If you have suffered complications or harm as a result of taking a drug according to the manufacturer’s instructions, then you may have a claim to recover medical or other costs that you suffered as a result. However, taking on a big pharmaceutical company is not a simple matter. We highly recommend that you contact Kenneth Nugent Attorneys at Law in order to assess your case, determine liability and get your claim against big pharma awarded.

  1. Defective Products

Defective products are considered to be any products that malfunction or do not operate as they are supposed to – thereby causing harm. These types of injuries are generally covered by product liability lawsuits. In order to prove product liability, your case will need to meet the following requirements:

– Prove that the product was unsuitable for sale or that it was not suited for the intended use.

– That the product, as a result of its unsuitability, cause you harm.

– That the harm resulted in losses or damages.

Injuries or damages in Columbus can result from the manufacture of the product, the product design, or how the product was marketed. If you have been the victim of harm or damages that resulted from using a defective product, contact Kenneth Nugent Attorneys at Law to find out more about how you can go about recovering the resulting losses through a personal injury lawsuit.

Why You Should Hire An Experienced Attorney To Represent You In A Personal Injury Case?

As mentioned above, most personal injury claims are payable by an insurance carrier and not the person or party who was actually responsible for causing the harm. Individuals or businesses rarely have the available funds to pay a claim outright and that is why they take out insurance in the first place.

However, insurance companies are generally not willing to pay up when the time comes and have access to top teams of lawyers to assist them in finding ways to deny claims. If you do not have legal representation from an experienced personal injury lawyer, then you increase the chance of your claim being denied.

Kenneth Nugent Attorneys at Law in Columbus Georgia have decades of experience dealing with insurance carriers and understand the tactics they use. We know how to get your personal injury claim awarded. Give us a call today for a free consultation to assess your unique personal injury case.

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